G e s u m m s - v o m  u n e r h ö r t e n

//     Ich höre, ich höre zu, ich höre an, angehören, gehören, gehört werden, ich höre mit, ich höre mit etwas, ich höre auf etwas, ich höre mit etwas auf, ich höre auf, aufhören zu hören, aufhorchen, unerhört sein, unaufhörlich, ich horche und höre auf zu reden um zu lauschen, ich verstumme, ohne Stimme, die Stimmen stimmen, ich bin verstummt, verstimmt, es stimmt, es klingt, es singt, es schwingt.     //


An interdisciplinary Research Project on the perception of sound and movement.that as a point of departure investigates listening, making things audible and explores how dance is relating to that when listening - just as a movement - obtains a direction into space. The smallest shifts in the auditive perception may influence the whole atmosphere or may choreograph the vision and listening of the recipient. Listening means to perceive sound. Listening itself as well as sound is bound to a body - the listening body. A sound evolves through oscillation and is received or heard again via oscillation. In that sense hearing is a physical sensation that in itself is already movement. Listening and making audible forms the core of this research and branches into the fields of voice and language. A body of listening evolves.


The research is framed by the seminar of Applied Voice Anthropology. Ulrike Sowodniok will be, as a representive of the auditive field, part of this research as a mentor.


Research Showing: https://vimeo.com/241768614



     "She has a very clear somatic understanding of the linkage between voice and movement and transduces her movement style very directly into her vocal abilities. Her voice has a very spacious and smart quality. Bringing her movement qualities into her voice makes her vocal sound multi-colored, full and very flexible. By further exploring of her listening body in space Karoline has found a multi-folded semantic approach of language. It is very convincing how she integrates her own writings into her work with voice and movement in space." - Ulrike Sowodniok



     "Während es Karoline Strys aus Polen gut hat, sich die Kälte vom Leib halten und Wegtanzen kann. Schöner Tanz, mit spastisch wirkender Eleganz, grazile Körperzuckungen." - Peter Wawerzinek for Berliner Zeitung No. 291, December 13, 2017


Presentations and invitations: Unfinished Fridays Series, Lakestudios Berlin - Museumsnacht Köln - WINDICHT Festival on Sound and Poetry


Thanks to Förderprogramm der Sparkasse KölnBonn/SK Stiftung Kultur, ZAIK, Lakestudios Berlin